European Fencing Championships Genoa 2025


Join the team of volunteers for the European Fencing Championships Genoa 2025!

We are looking for motivated volunteers and fencing enthusiasts, living in Genoa and surroundings, to actively contribute to the success of the European Fencing Championships which will be held in 2025.

The role of volunteer represents an extraordinary opportunity to participate in an international event and live a unique experience.

Areas of intervention

For the technical areas, volunteers with specific skills, familiar with fencing and a good knowledge of the rules are required.
For volunteers in all other areas, specific knowledge of fencing is not required; each volunteer will be assigned with the aim of making the most of the individual skills and interests of the candidates.


  • They must be older that 18 and passionate about the world of sport in general;
  • The selection is open to all nationalities;
  • Good knowledge of English and Italian is required;
  • Knowledge of at least one additional extra language among the languages spoken by the delegations present at the European Championships will be considered a preferential requirement;
  • Availability for interviews and preparation courses (including online courses) in the days preceding the event is required;
  • A good attitude towards teamwork and the ability to relate to the public is absolutely essential.

Join us on this extraordinary adventure.
Become an integral part of the European Fencing Championships Genoa 2025 and contribute to the success of this event! For more details and to apply, please fill the form below.

Become a volunteer, write to us!

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